Older adults' perceptions in the post-pandemic scenario: A study carried out in Portugal
Post-pandemic, Elderly, Critical ThinkingAbstract
Background and Aim: The pandemic context of Covid-19 aroused the emergence of other perceptions of human, social and economic relations. The Covid-19 effects were felt in several parts of the world, with the older adults’ population being one of the most affected, as they are more fragile and vulnerable. The social isolation of older adults was linked to feelings of loneliness due to the confinement that affected the decrease in social contact. Within this framework, we formulated the following research question: In which way the Covid-19 context be able to shape older adults’ post-pandemic perceptions of their quality of life? In this regard, the present study's objectives were as follows: 1) To analyze the perceptions of the over-55s regarding the impact of the pandemic situation and its effects in the post-Covid-19 period. 2) To identify the impact of Covid-19 on Critical thinking in the over 55s; 3) To interpret how the over-55s project themselves into the future (post-pandemic). Method: Construction, validation, and application of an online questionnaire to 167 individuals aged 55 years or older between 15/09/2020 and 10/02/2021. Content analysis techniques and statistical analysis were used. Results: The results showed that the replies, regardless of age, gender, and academic background, valued health, financial issues, and social relationships. Critical thinking rose in awareness and critical reflection on how to live day to day and use of technologies better. Conclusion: This study points us to the need to build psychological, cultural, and spiritual defenses that we understand as resilience forms. I.e., building a culture of responsibility and ethic of life, sensitive to the needs of each person and the community. Critical thinking helps to overcome difficulties and to improve the quality of life.
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