Stress, social support, beliefs, and parenting practices of mothers of autistic children




Maternal Stress, Parenting, Social Support, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cross-sectional Study


Background: Previous studies have shown a high prevalence of stress in parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the moderating impact of the social support network. However, few have investigated the relationship between these variables and parental beliefs and practices in the care and stimulation of children with ASD. Aim: To evaluate associations between stress, social support networks, and maternal beliefs/practices in mothers of children with ASD. Method: This cross-sectional correlational study assessed 52 mothers (Mage = 37.50 years) of children with ASD treated in four public health units in the State of São Paulo. A Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory, the Parental Beliefs and Care Practices Scale, and the Social Social Support Network Scale were applied. Results: A high prevalence (86.5%) of clinical stress was observed among the participants. The perception of social support was low, and mothers with a perception of more social support indicated lower stress levels. Although care practices were generally adequate, mothers experiencing more stress performed fewer stimulation activities with their children. Conclusions: The findings reinforce the importance of evaluating and managing stress, social support networks, and mental health of mothers of children with ASD to facilitate the adoption of stimulation practices that can optimize the development of children with neurodevelopmental alterations.


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How to Cite

Christmann, M., Furer Barreto, A., Alckmin-Carvalho, F., & Monzani da Rocha, M. (2023). Stress, social support, beliefs, and parenting practices of mothers of autistic children. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 9(2), 1–19.



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