Mental health literacy about depression and alcohol abuse of portuguese adolescents and youth




Mental health literacy, Depression, Alcohol abuse, Adolescents, Youth


Objectives: This study aims to compare the mental health literacy of adolescents and young Portuguese in what concerns depression and alcohol abuse and analyze the pattern of responses in terms of consistency and agreement for both disorders. Method: The sample consisted of 4938 adolescents and young people, 43.0% males and 56.7% females with a mean age of 16.75 years (standard deviation = 1,62 years), who attend schools of the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary school, belonging to the Regional Education Directorate – Center. For data collection was used QuALiSMental (MHL). Results: The results showed a modest level of MHL in most components. Although there are statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in 88.0% of the items of MHL, suggesting different ways of looking to both mental health problems. Conclusion: the results show consistency in terms of the components of knowledge and skills in providing first aid and support to others and knowledge about the prevention of mental disorders.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, L. M. (2016). Mental health literacy about depression and alcohol abuse of portuguese adolescents and youth. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 2(2), 2–11.



Original Paper