Fear of Contracting COVID-19: A validation study of the Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Scale in Portuguese adolescents
Fear of contracting Covid-19, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Quality of LifeAbstract
Introduction: Given the pandemic circumstances, fear may emerge due to uncertainty, the possibility of being infected by SARS-Cov 2 or infecting others. It may also be associated with psychopathological symptoms and impact quality of life resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: The current study aimed to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Scale (FCCS) in Portuguese adolescents and analyze the relationship between fear of contracting COVID-19 and depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms, and with the quality of life of this age group. Method: The sample comprised 269 adolescents (137 boys and 132 girls), aged between 11 and 16 years old, attending the 3rd cycle of basic education. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the FCCS, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21), and the KIDSCREEN-10, as a measure of the quality of life in adolescents. Results: The FCCS revealed, as in its original version for adults, a one-dimensional structure, with good adjustment indicators and good reliability. The fear of contracting COVID-19 was associated with anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms, but it did not show a relationship with the adolescents’ quality of life. Gender differences showed that the girls present higher levels of fear of contracting COVID-19, more anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms, and a worse perception of their quality of life. Conclusions: The Fear of Contracting COVID-19 Scale showed to be suitable for use with adolescents. The fear of contracting COVID-19, although associated with psychopathological symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, does not seem to be related to the quality of life of adolescents.
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