Bullying, attachment and parental rearing styles in adolescents from the 3rd cycle of basic school
Attachment, Parental rearing styles, Bullying, AdolescentsAbstract
Aims: Since current literature highlights the impact of attachment and parental conduct in bullying behaviors in the school environment, a phenomenon with increasing visibility, we have assessed its relationship to the quality of attachment and parental rearing styles, in adolescents. Method: The sample involved 50 adolescents, 26 girls, and 24 boys, from the 7th to 9th grades, aged between 12 and 17 years old (M = 14,24). The protocol comprised the: Social Exclusion and School Violence Questionnaire (QEVE), Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA), and A Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use with Adolescents (EMBU-A). Results: Adolescents in our sample tend to assume the “observer” role in bullying situations, and the more prevalent type of violence is social exclusion and verbal abuse. The most frequent victims of bullying are adolescents of lower socioeconomic status, and girls are more observers of social exclusion and verbal aggression than boys. In what concerns attachment, adolescents exhibiting more aggressive behaviors perceive lower communication and trust to the father and friends, and when they feel alienated from their peers, adolescents tend to be more exposed to bullying victimization. Finally, data on parental rearing styles suggest that the most aggressive teenagers are those who feel more rejection and less maternal emotional support. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of bullying behaviors of parental rearing styles and the quality of attachment towards significant others. These conclusions have implications at the prevention level, where it is important, not only to consider individual variables, but also to understand how the subject interacts in all the social systems he belongs to, and on the construction of affective relationships.
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