Social network of people with addictive behaviors and dependencies
Addictive behaviors and dependencies, Social exclusion, Social network, Social work, Social supportAbstract
Background & Aims: Social networks play a central role in the quality of the life of persons with addictive behaviors, being determinant both in the maintenance, compensation, or rehabilitation of these behaviors. This study aims to characterize the social personal networks of people with addictive behavior and dependencies at risk of social exclusion or excluded. Method: Participated in this study 30 individuals with psychoactive substances use, aged between 24 and 65 years (M ± DP = 43.03 ± 10.10), most of them male (80.0%), with no source of income (46.7%) or supported by social policy measures (53.3%). The main substance of use is heroin (63.3%). We assessed the structural, functional, and contextual-relational dimensions of their networks with the Social Personal Networks Analysis Tool. Results: The social networks of the participants are composed of 7 elements, on average, predominating the family members; they are fragmented, consisting essentially by members of the primary networks, although, the secondary networks represent about ¼ of the members. Reciprocity and the level of perceived social support are high, such as emotional and informational support. Most individuals report having members in the social network with drug abuse (77.0%), relationships that occupy more than 20.0% of the network size. We analyzed comparatively the networks according to material and shelter deprivation, and no significant differences emerged (p > 0.05), although the networks’ profiles suggest different strategies of support. Conclusions: The study confirms the relevance of social networks assessment in the population with addictive behaviors and dependencies. Social intervention planning should integrate the network characteristics that are relevant to support the reduction of substance abuse and associated risks, as well as the promotion of social well-being and citizenship.
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