The impact of the media on the fear of contracting COVID-19




Fear, Impact, Media, COVID-19


Objective: The current study sought out to assess the mass media impact on the fear of contracting COVID-19. We focused on people's trust in information associated with media type, worry regarding daily reports of statistics, concerns about prevention measures and warnings in the media, news consumption frequency, evaluation of the media in explaining and informing about the pandemic, and the fear of contracting the disease. Methods: The sample comprised 349 participants who completed online a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, a Mass Media Opinion Questionnaire, and the Fear of Contracting Covid-19 Scale (FCCS). Results: Fear of contracting COVID-19 was higher in women compared to men. Participants with higher fear of contracting the disease trusted more in the information provided by television, newspapers, and radio, but not social media. Higher scores on the FCCS were associated with higher scores on clarification, awareness, and information conveyed by media. Trust in newspapers, feelings regarding daily reports of COVID-19, news frequency consumption, and media evaluation in explaining and informing about the pandemic were predictors of fear of contracting COVID-19. Conclusions: Mass media proved to be fundamental in raising awareness and sensitization of the population.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, S., & Massano-Cardoso, I. (2021). The impact of the media on the fear of contracting COVID-19. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 7(2), 89–102.



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